FINCA helped with school equipping in the Kok-Suu village of the Alai rayon. Now, the rural school has TV-set, DVD-player, educational CDs and bookshelves.

The Kok-Suu village is located in 12 km from Gulcha, the center of Alai rayon. There is only one secondary school in this mountain village. 450 children study there, including 180 pupils of the elementary school.

When the local citizens and the school administration applied to the Alai representation of the company FINCA, decision was made to support and supply class-room with informational stands, bookshelves, install TV-set with DVD-player, educational CDs, intellectual toys in framework of implementation of annual social projects of the company. The branch staff hopes that such gift will be a great help to enhance mind of the students and irritate their interest to knowledge.

By the way, only during three quarters of 2013, FINCA implemented about 30 social projects aimed at improvement of conditions in educational institutions. In average, 140 thousand soms are spent for each of these projects. The most visible projects are two projects realized in the Kadamzhay rayon: replacement of roofing in the school of the Sovetsky village and floor in school of the Absamat village.