January 2015

Топтук кредит берүүнүн өзгөчөлүктөрү

January 29, 2015||

Топтук кредит берүү Кыргызстан көз карандысыздыкты алгандан кийин колдонула баштады. Аймактардагы жоопкерчиликтүү тургундар жеке бизнести өнүктүрүү максатында анча чоң эмес кредит алуу үчүн топторду түзүүнү сунушташкан.

To have mutual fruitful cooperation with the financial-crediting institution, it is necessary to remember about following: 1. make reasonable decision on crediting; 2. important to use credit in line with goals indicated in credit application; 3. it is not allowed to give credit to the third persons, since it will not take your liability and responsibility for payment. Besides, it is violation of conditions of the credit agreement, and you are responsible for untargeted use of credit in line with provisions of the credit agreement; 4. under group crediting, it is crucial to know and trust group members since you undertake joint responsibility for credit payment in line with concluded agreement on warranty; 5. important to pay back credit in fixed deadlines in order to avoid penalties and worsening of credit history of the client; 6. credit history of the borrower is extremely important for mutually beneficial cooperation of the client and financial-crediting institution, as data of credit history of the borrower become available for majority of the crediting organizations of the country; 7. update the financial institution on events taking place in life of the borrower, which can affect on credit repayment; 8. discussion of all questions and problems directly with the creditor since interrelations of the borrower and creditor are regulated by the credit agreement concluded by the parties. Remember when you do payments on credits: 1. credit payments are done in the offices of the financial institution or through the credit officers, if permit document is available; 2. important to do payments with precaution and safety measures. Do not tell unknown people when and how much you are going to cancel a credit; 3. important to keep receipt on any payments in relation of credit repayment. It allows avoiding confusions, which may occur because of force-major circumstances.

January 29, 2015||

Финансы-кредиттик мекеме менен кызматташуу эки тарапка тең пайдалуу болушу үчүн төмөнкүлөрдү дайыма эстен чыгарбоо керек

Кредиттик таржымал деген эмне?

January 29, 2015||

Кредиттик таржымал – качан жана кандай суммада кайсы финансы-кредиттик уюмдардан кредит алгандыгыңыз же бар экендиги жана кредиттик милдеттенмелериңизди кандай аткарып жаткандыгыңыз, тактап айтканда, төлөп жаткандыгыңыз тууралуу маалымат.